Wednesday 6 November 2013

Who Are Kids In Glass Houses...

Who are Kids In Glass Houses I hear you ask, well here is some information on the history of the band right from the start up to now.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Shooting Schedule - Test Shots

27th October:
Band shots from first storyboard.
Location: Rehearsal Rooms

We completed some test shots here however we did come across some problems. As some of the shots we have are long and extreme long shots it was very hard to shoot them well and we had to improvise by moving things around to get everything in shot. Also the lighting in the room itself wasn't great as we only had minimal choice of lights which were either way too bright or way too dark. Although on a more positive note we did get an idea of what the shots would look like however we may have to change location for the performance scene.

29th October
Narrative shots, first verse storyboard.
Location: Streets around Hull/Jacks house

Unfortunately we were unable to shoot on this day as the weather wasn't great and would of affected the shots massively therefore we decided not to shoot and continue to work on our storyboard.