Tuesday 29 April 2014

Digipak Poster // Final Draft

My digipak poster has typical conventions of an album poster such as a quote/review, album release date and what's included. Obviously I used the same main image as on my album as that way if someone was to buy the album they would automatically know what the album artwork was as they have seen the main image on the album poster. Also the main image is one of the main things that would draw you to looking at the poster in the first place. In my research I discovered that lots of album posters are printed in magazines and London underground stations which is of course very fast pace down there so the main image has to grab someone's attention if they are walking to get their next train but are also looking at the adverts on the wall. 

Also having a release date on the poster is key as then people will know exactly when they can buy the album. If you didn't have this there wouldn't be much point in advertising the album at all if no one knew when they could buy it. Saying what platforms it's available on is also very important in today's society as we now consume music in a very different way that we did twenty years ago.

The biggest form of buying music is of course Downloading so obviously you would make the album able to be downloading. However in recent years Vinyl has made a big recovery with younger kids getting into buying records. Because of this younger bands have now started to release their albums on vinyl to cater to all needs.

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